Microsoft Research Phd Fellowship Summit
Thoroughly enjoying the company of Valerie Taylor
Calculating Nature Naturally: Quantum Simulation of Quantum Fields
• Duke Quantum Center (DQC) Inaugural Workshop (Durham, North Carolina. April 2022)
Choose Your Own Adventure: Toward Quantum Simulation of Gauge Theories
• Hosted Choose Your Own Adventure poster room at the National Science Foundation (NSF) site review of the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (Pasadena, California. November 2020) [Link]
NISQ-era QFT: Field Theory for Near-Term Quantum Devices
• Presented poster NISQ-era QFT at 2019 Northwest Quantum Nexus Summit NISQ-era QFT (Seattle, Washington. March 2019)
• Invited poster NISQ-era QFT at Microsoft PhD Summit in Redmond, WA. (October 2018)
• Invited poster NISQ-era QFT at Quantum Algorithms and Testbeds PI Meeting sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) and Computational Science Research Partnerships (SciDAC) Division in Oak Ridge, TN. (September 2018)
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