California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Pasadena, California
Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Theoretical Physics
Institute for Quantum Information and Matter
Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of Washington Seattle, Washington
Doctor of Philosophy, Physics
Institute for Nuclear Theory
Research Interests:
• Nuclear and Particle Physics
• Simulation of Fundamental Physics with Quantum Technology
• Quantum Information and Computational Architectures
Thesis (Published at ETD):
• Calculating Nature Naturally: Toward Quantum Simulation of Quantum Fields
University of Washington Seattle, Washington
Masters of Science, Physics
Ohio University Athens, Ohio
Bachelor of Science, Physics
Bachelor of Arts, Percussion Performance
Honors Tutorial College (HTC)
Research Interests:
•Applications of Bayesian Probability Theory
•Marimba Performance
•Temporal Automatic Music Transcription (AMT)
Theses (Published at ETD OhioLink):
• Bayesian Errors and Rogue Effective Field Theories
• Mental Notes: Exploring the Capacity of the Mind to Enhance Marimba Performance
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