Natalie Klco, Randy Lewis, and Sarah Powell
First presented at the Quantum Computing Boot Camp hosted by Jefferson National Laboratory in 2023
Natalie Klco
First presented at Duke University in 2023
The Vision
One day, Quantum Field Theory (QFT) courses will be supplemented by a lab component leveraging direct quantum simulation of quantum fields with systematically controlled uncertainties. The modules above support the path to this long-term educational future.
From technological advancements to extreme biological environments, interactively exploring complex systems leads to increased depth of understanding and the emergence of creative solutions. Quantum-enhanced simulations are anticipated to increase the accessibility of QFTs, complete with their dynamics and phase transitions---making tangible and calculable what can otherwise be a challenging theoretical language underlying the fundamental forces of nature. The exercises above have been designed with such interactivity in mind.
Beyond goals of basic science, the natural connections between QFT simulation and quantum error correction codes inspire connections to large-scale quantum computation mode broadly. Recognizing the range of expertise needed to bring quantum simulation to technological fruition, exercises have been crafted for connection to numerous areas of specialization e.g., physics, mathematics, computer science, and engineering.
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